Use Cases

The rapidly shifting world of mobile commerce demands flexibility across devices, networks and processors. Apriva delivers that flexibility by providing APIs, mobile payment SDKs and web services to securely connect mobile, web, traditional and unattended POS solutions to 35 different payment processors. For real-world examples of how our payment acceptance solutions and mobile payment technology work, please review the following use cases on integrating with the Apriva Gateway.

Quickly Accept Mobile Payments with AprivaPay Mobile App

Tightly integrate Android and iOS Apps with the Apriva Gateway™ for Payment Processing

Add Credit Card Payments to Unattended Vending Solutions

Touchscreen Kiosks

An independent software vendor (ISV) has designed a touchscreen kiosk system that unites front-end ticket sales with back-end inventory and product management.  The ISV wants to integrate their Android-based solution with the Apriva Gateway™ for secure payment processing, so customers can purchase tickets with credit cards at unattended point-of-sale (POS) kiosks.

Add Payment Processing to Web Solutions via XML

Readily Integrate Payment Processing to Websites or Any Web-Connected Solution

Add Mobile Payments for Line-Busting or Deliveries

Complement and Extend Existing Payment Systems by Adding Android and iOS Mobile Payment Processing